Human following robot swarm
In this post, I will gather all information during the development of the Human Following robot swarm project.
In this post, I will gather all information during the development of the Human Following robot swarm project.
Just wanted to share the great news that I have recently finished an exciting AI Summer School organized by AI Singapore. Over five days, we have been introd...
So far, I have spent more than a week learning to work with the Deepbots framework, which helps to communicate Webots simulator with reinforcement learning a...
Introduction and motivation
Great news! I have just been selected to participate in 2020 IEEE Robotics & Automation Society (RAS) Summer School on Multi-Robot Systems! It’s a wonder...
Recently, I have successfully finished “Introduction to Self-Driving Cars” course! This is a first course of the Self-Drivig cars specialiation offered by To...
This is a test blog post.